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Reference Number: AA-01964// Views: AA-01964// Created: 2020-11-05 18:37:59// Last Updated: 2024-03-28 09:57:21
NI Platform Tools
Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand: Error 8304 Undefined Function 'Power Analyze'


When loading my SimPowerSystems circuit model in the Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand, I encounter one of the following errors: 

Error 8304 occurred at External Interface Framework.lvlib:Log

Possible reason(s):

An error code was pushed to the log file here is the error description: MATLAB:UndefinedFunction - Undefined function 'power_analyze' for input arguments of type 'char'.


[Error] 7000 MATLAB:UndefinedFunction - Undefined function 'power_analyze' for input arguments of type 'char'.


The Power Electronics Add-On Requires that version 2018b (9.5) of the MATLAB Runtime be installed.  This is necessary even if a full version of MATLAB has already been installed on the system.  Please see the Software Requirements page of the Power Electronics Add-On documentation for more information, and for a link to the MATLAB Runtime installer.

Another reason this error could occur is if the wrong version of MATLAB is being opened by default through VeriStand. For example, consider the situation in which MATLAB 2021b and MATLAB 2023b are both installed but SPS is only licensed in MATLAB 2021b. If the Power Electronics Add-On tries to analyze the circuit but MATLAB 2023b is set to the system default by Windows, then this error will occur. To set the default version of MATLAB:

  1. Navigate to the installation directory of the version of MATLAB you wish to use. EG: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\bin
  2. Open a command prompt at this location
  3. Run the command matlab.exe -regserver 
Windows should now open this version of MATLAB when the circuit is analyzed in the Power Electronics Add-On