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Reference Number: AA-01971// Views: AA-01971// Created: 2020-11-26 07:32:12// Last Updated: 2020-11-26 07:32:12
Problem & Solution
ml605_bdDmaInit: Error allocating DMA buffer


When loading the model at RT-LAB, an error occurred during detecting FPGA:

2020-11-25 15h42m8s:ml605_bdDmaInit: Error allocating DMA buffer

2020-11-25 15h42m8s:Controller 'OpCtrl':  Problem in op7160ex1_config_sync.

2020-11-25 15h42m8s:ERROR:    [0] ERROR_STATUS 


This error is caused by the Dolphin adapter card inside the simulator, which driver is not properly configured.

it means that the adapter consume too much virtual PCI address space than supported by the installed kernel. The easiest way to fix this is to decrease the virtual space of the kernel at boot time. 

To do this, do the following commands:

# cd /boot/grub/

# vi grub.conf

Edit the grub conf file by adding the following parameters at the kernel command line:


After modifications, restart the driver by:

# dis_services restart