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Reference Number: AA-02034// Views: AA-02034// Created: 2021-09-02 20:55:42// Last Updated: 2021-09-02 20:55:42
Problem & Solution
Protocols - IEC61850 GOOSE Analog signals - Error using Float signal type


A model with a custom SCL (.icd, .cid, etc.) file using FLOAT types is running fine either in HYPERSIM or RT-LAB. The packets are well identified using Wireshark.

The IED using the same SCL file subscribing to the message rejects it mentioning an error using Float.

For example, using a custom SCL file with IEDScout, the following error appears:

GOOSE data parse error: TLV L=8 (should be 5 or 9)! IEC 61850 only accepts FloatingPoint types defined in IEEE 754 (FLOAT32 and FLOAT64, see IEC 61850-7-2 5.5.2 table2, see also ISO 9506-2!


As soon as you are using analog signals in a GOOSE message and messages are rejected, the following option should be CHECKED:

Enable fixed-length encoding for GOOSE messages (61850-8-1 Ed.2 A.3).