Innovative Large-Scale Electromechanical Power System Real-Time Simulation

The highest penetration of renewable generation sources, the progressively overloaded transmission network, cybersecurity concerns are among the few factors that have increased the complexity of operation, monitoring, control and protection on power grids. More complex wide area controls require ever-more precise evaluations, studies, operation training and validation for future grids. Innovative systems like ePHASORSIM offer in-depth power system analysis to perform these tasks, with significant time savings.

ePHASORSIM is a tool for projects that involve dynamic simulation of power systems and is used for the testing and integration of EMS/SCADA systems, wide area protection and control schemes, training and power system studies.ePHASORSIM‘s phasor domain solver, performing at a typical time-step of few milliseconds, provides voltage and current information representing the same as phasor measurement unit (PMU) installed in the power grid. This unique electromechanical real-time simulation system enables precise simulation of large-scale networks within a real-time and faster performance.

ePHASORSIM Helps Power Labs and Research Facilities to Focus On:

    • Real-time transient stability simulations for systems in range of 30,000 nodes

    • Wide-area control/protection/state estimation algorithms

    • EMS tools and algorithms, such as AGC and load shedding

    • PMU streams and PDC applications

    • System studies with massive numbers of renewable penetration

    • Design and test local controllers, such as voltage regulators

    • Advanced metering and information network

    • Impact of load profiles in distribution networks

The Integrated Environment of ePHASORSIM


ePHASORSIM real-time simulation is performed under the OPAL-RT’s flagship RT-LAB simulation platform. It allows ePHASORSIM to be connected as part of a larger Simulink model, enabling researchers to benefit from a complete grid ecosystem, as well as having access to all OPAL-RT hardware modules and I/O and communication protocols such as DNP3, OPC-UA, C37.118 and interconnect the real time simulation with physical devices under test. The platform also offers all features for monitoring, data processing and data acquisition to facilitate testing, analysis and reporting.

ePHASORSIM could also be connected to other third party software such and ETAP, RTDMS, openPDC, and Kepware to send measurement data and receive control or operation commands.


Porting an existing simulation of a large grid model with thousands of buses represents a great deal of work, with no guarantee of research value. Designed to accelerate real-time simulation and maximize research time, ePHASORSIM imports simulation models of the most important third-party simulation offline tools, including PSS®E, DIGSILENT and CYME.

A collection of models for positive sequence as well as three-phase unbalanced power grids is provided in library of ePHASORsim. The library includes models of generators and their controllers, loads, transformers, current injector devices and voltage sources, along with a various types of events associated with each component to simulate complex operating and control scenarios in real-time.

In addition to the basic supported blocks, ePHASORSIM is expandable to new user defined components and functionalities based on Modelica’s Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) and Simulink/SimScape Power System toolboxes.


Perform thousands of tests automatically with ePHASORSIM’s versatile API, enabling on-the-fly validation of different sets of parameters in the model. Automation tests are easily performed using PYTHON or C-family languages.

High Performance

ePHASORSIM allows the simulation of massive grids going up to 20k buses on a single core computer and its capability of performing parallel computing allowing unleashed performances for larger grid real-time simulation and offline simulation. Systems in the range of 50k to 100k nodes can be simulated for test and prototype of sophisticated operation scenarios. No matter of type, balanced or unbalanced, ePHASORSIM can perform real-time transient stability simulation with a time-step of a few milliseconds.  The parallel simulation feature goes much beyond by allowing to run multiple simulations of one or different power grids that each of them are associated with an individual operating scenario. This feature, easily can provide up to 32x speedup of a dynamic simulation on a 32 core real-time simulator.


Simulation type:Phasor domain
Typical time step:1ms – 10 ms
Compatible modeling environments: Simulink, Excel, PSS®E, CYME, Power Factory, FMU (Open Modelica)
Maximum real-time network size:30,000 nodes
Maximum non real-time network size:100,000 nodes
Capability per CPU core:10,000 nodes @ 10 ms
Features:• Positive sequence and unbalanced networks
• Load flow (positive sequence)

Real -Time Simulation of Over 100,000 Nodes of T&D Systems

OPAL-RT’s ePHASORSIM engine has achieved the real-time transient stability simulation of large-scale transmission and distribution (T&D) power grids. Forty (40) instances of IEEE European Low Voltage Test Feeder are stitched to the IEEE 118 bus transmission system to synthesize a new test case that has over 108,000 nodes. The real-time simulation of such a massive power gird uses nine CPU cores on which the computations are dispatched in parallel. The experimental results on an OP5600 simulator verify the performance and scalability of the synthetic system and the simulation engine.


Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control

Develop new control and measurement algorithms for Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) applications.


Learn how real-time simulation is employed as a powerful and efficient testing tool, by simulating real-world cyberattacks and system failures in a controlled environment.

Operator Training

ePHASORSIM is the core software for operator training simulators for transmission systems using balanced positive-sequence network models, and for distribution systems using unbalanced phase-by-phase network models.

Customer Success Stories

L2EP have designed distributed energy test platform with an advanced metering infrastructure to assess electric vehicle supervision strategy influence.

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Fraunhofer IWES’s development of a novel real time EV-fleet simulator for studying potential grid impacts and grid integration strategies of large EV fleets.

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TNB Research uses a real-time simulator for WAMPAC studies who has the capability to simulate 1500 single-phase electrical nodes with individual control of breakers and transformer tap changers.

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