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Reference Number: AA-01238// Views: AA-01238// Created: 2016-11-18 16:41:31// Last Updated: 2020-01-07 16:24:54
HYPERSIM 6.0: IO Configuration and sensor management in HYPERSIM

How To Configure IO in HYPERSIM 6.0?

There are several things that need to be done properly for the sensors to be detected in HYPERSIM,

  1. Flashing the CORRECT bitstream is really important. 
      • When flashing the bitstream, make sure you know what type of FPGA you have. To know the FPGA type of your simulator, you can refer to the system description document that comes with you simulator or you can follow this KB. Make sure to follow the steps for HYPERSIM in that KB.
      • After knowing the type of FPGA, you need to select the right bitstream and do the flash command,
        • Right bitstream is located in the following folder for and ML605 FPGA. Note: This is the bitstream for configuration_10b. Depending on the type of FPGA or the type of configuration the path in your simulator might slightly differ. "/export/local/ssr/hypersim_R6.0.6.o403/linux-rhel5-32-opalrt/HyServer/rt/firmware/ML605/Configuration_10b/"
        • After locating the right bitstream, you can flash it on the simulator. To flash the bitstream do the following command on your terminal, /export/local/ssr/hypersim_R6.0.6.o403/linux-rhel5-32-opalrt/HyServer/bin/flashupdate //export/local/ssr/hypersim_R6.0.6.o403/linux-rhel5-32-opalrt/HyServer/rt/firmware/ML605/Configuration_10b/ML605_2-EX-0029-2_3_1_135-16AOUT_16AIN_96DOUT_96DIN-0A-01.bin Note: the part in the path that are in red are the path that will differ depending on your configurations. Please refer to the attached .txt file to see an example what you will normally see when flashing a bitstream. As you can see that all these commands are done as ROOT. 
  2. Now that you properly flashed the bitstream, your simulator knows the exact mapping of the IOs that are configured on your IO carrier. Now what we need to do is to configure the .io file corresponding to your IO configuration. The .io file relates links sensors to each pin to your actual IO cards. For example, let's say you have an analog out card in your simulator. It has 16 pins, therefore, in your .io file, there will be a sensor per pin. For more information, please refer to your system integration document.  Here is how you will configure the .io file, so that the sensors can be detected in HYPERSIM.
      • Configure the hyServMain.cfg file found in the following path, /export/local/ssr/hyconfig/  This file is very important and it's the simulation server configuration file for HYPERSIM. Please refer to the attached document called hyServMain.txt to see how the .io file for configuration is added. As you can see on line 39 we have, IOFILE Note: The .io file and the .cfg file should be provided to you in the customer CD or already configured in your target. 
      • After configuring the hyServMain.cfg file make sure that the .io file is found in the same path as the .cfg file. Therefore, the .cfg file and the .io file must be in the same path  /export/local/ssr/hyconfig/
      • Make sure everything is saved properly. Now it's time to start some services. We need to start the following service as ROOT. Do the following command on your terminal, "service hy.server start" . The message in the terminal should show that your proper .io file is configured. For example, it should show this under HYPERSIM server configuration files: /export/local/ssr/hyconfig/.io
  3. Now that the configuration in the simulator end is properly configured. We need to make sure the following steps are followed on your HYPERSIM 6.0  windows. 
    • Connect HYPERSIM to your simulator. HYPERSIM>Settings>Target . In the HOST tab, enter the IP address of your simulator and click enter. 
    • Make sure your simulation is running in real time. Go into, HYPERSIM>Simulation>Options and make sure the following configuration is done,

    • If you can't run in  real time, that means that you don't have a real time license or the real time license is not installed on the target. To do IOs you must absolutely run in real time. This article shows how to install a real time license. 
    • Final step is to configure the sensors in your model. Select the component that you want to add the sensors in your model and open the sensor configuration tab by right click>Open Sensor Form. 

hyServMain.txt 1.5 Kb 1.5 Kb
result_flashing_bitstream.txt 20.5 Kb 20.5 Kb