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Reference Number: AA-01472// Views: AA-01472// Created: 2018-04-19 18:32:12// Last Updated: 2018-04-19 18:48:07
Problem & Solution
Compilation Error - Model Opening and Compiling with different MATLAB Versions

When your Host computer has multiple instances of MATLAB installed, it is important to make sure the correct version of MATLAB is being used by RT-LAB for editing and compiling your models. Because RT-LAB invokes MATLAB to compile the model for simulation, if the model was created with a newer version of MATLAB/Simulink but then attempts to compile the model with an older version of the software, compilation errors will occur.

To avoid this, ensure that RT-LAB uses the same version of MATLAB to both edit and to compile the model.

1. Set the version used to edit the model, by selecting the MATLAB icon in the main toolbar and setting the version:

2. Set the version used to compile the model, by right-clicking on the model in question in the Project Explorer then navigating to "Build Configurations.." : 

In conclusion, always make sure the same version of MATLAB is being used to both edit and compile your model.