Support : Knowledge base

Knowledge Base

Welcome to OPAL-RT’s Knowledge Base

OPAL-RT offers a repository of support information for optimal use of its technology.


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Reference Number: AA-01513// Views: AA-01513// Created: 2018-07-17 22:09:50// Last Updated: 2018-07-17 22:34:16
Restoring a previous RT-LAB 11.X+ license file

In the course of using your OPAL-RT simulator, you might find it necessary to revert to a previous license file. 

A typical scenario is the use of a demo license to evaluate some features. Once it expires, you will have to restore your original, permanent license. This can be difficult if you do not have the original license file on hand, or have lost it.

Luckily, there is a feature that allows you to restore the last license file. To access this, double-click on the target in the Project Explorer window:

Then, navigate to the "License" tab.

Here, you will see the option to restore a previous license file.

Warning: Restoring the license file is an irreversible process.

If for any reason this process does not solve the licensing issue, please contact Support: