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Knowledge Base

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Reference Number: AA-01539// Views: AA-01539// Created: 2018-10-11 17:29:43// Last Updated: 2018-10-11 17:36:02
Problem & Solution
HYPERSIM: Permanently reserved for user NORTON


When trying to run a simulation in HYPERSIM, you get the following error, "Permanently reserved for user NORTON"


This is due to the fact that your hySevMain.cfg file contains a Parameter called "PROCRES" that is reserving a processors.

To solve this the problem,

Step 1: You need MobaXterm

Step 2: Go into the folder as root /export/local/ssr/hyconfig/

Step 3: Open hyServMain.cfg file and you should see PROCRES Parameter being active (ex: line 39)

Step 4: Remove PROCRES (line 39) and save the file

Step 5: In MobaXterm, write the command "service  hy.server start" and press Enter

After making the above changes, go back to HYPERSIM and try to run the simulation. The simulation should run successfully!