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Reference Number: AA-01620// Views: AA-01620// Created: 2019-03-19 17:43:20// Last Updated: 2023-10-02 18:40:44
RT-LAB : How to Import and Export Projects in RT-LAB

RT-LAB : How to Import and Export Projects in RT-LAB

EXPORT : Exporting an RT-LAB project

Step 1: Close all the unrelated project in the workspace

This step is not necessary, but recommended. To close the unrelated project, right click on the project and click on "Close Unrelated Projects",

Step 2: Export the project

Right click on the project and click on Export,

Step 3: Select the option Archive File

In the General option, select the option Archive Files and click Next. For more information on the other options shown, please consult RT-LAB Help.

Step 4: Selecting your project

In this step, please select the RT-LAB project in question and create the destination folder that the model will be saved in. Please see the following steps,

1. Select your project

2. Create and select the folder that the project will be saved and zip in. in this case, it's Test1.

3.Select the format that your project will be exported as. In this case it's a .zip file.

4. Click on Finish. After this step, with this example, the entire project would have been saved in your Desktop and there will be a file in Desktop.

IMPORT : Importing an RT-LAB Project

Step 1: Import the RT-LAB project into your workspace

Open RT-LAB, go into File (top left corner) and click on the option "Import".

Step 2: Select your Archive file .zip file that you want to import.

Select the option "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click on Next

If you have followed the above section, you now need to select "Select archive file" and browse for the zip file created previously

After, you click on Finish, your project will be imported into the RT-LAB workspace you are in.

Note: Importing an archived project requires that there is no other project in the workspace with the same name.