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Reference Number: AA-02030// Views: AA-02030// Created: 2021-08-10 22:58:43// Last Updated: 2023-04-05 19:01:29
HYPERSIM - Problem editing a UCM / .def file or model reference missing


When trying to edit a UCM (User-Coded Model), the following error appears:

Cannot edit the code

Cannot locate or access the model reference 'path'
Files needed to manage this model are missing!
They must have been deleted or cannot be accessed.
Please re-import the model from a valid location

The UCM is trying to find its .def (and other associated files). Either they were deleted, moved, or the model was shared by another user without the inclusion of these files.


The solution to avoid this problem is to follow this procedure, especially when trying to share a model that has a UCM with other users.

Even though the default folder to work with UCMs in HYPERSIM is usually C:\Users\YourUserName\HYPERSIM\ucm, we recommend adding a UCM folder at the same level as your .ecf model. In this UCM folder, add another folder for each of your UCMs in which you place the .def and all relevant files.

For Example:

The files in ...\My_Project\UCM\UCM1 will look like this:

If you want to share your model with other users or even see what files are being referred to by your model, use the Project Import-Export tool. This will allow to keep the integrity of the file references: