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Reference Number: AA-02042// Views: AA-02042// Created: 2021-10-05 11:07:06// Last Updated: 2021-10-05 11:07:06
How to create an image of the hard disc of your Simulator and to import it into a Virtual Machine

  • A hard disc, which can be formatted and has enough space to duplicate the simulators OS 
  • A LIVE-USB of a Linux Distribution with installed fdisk, dd, qemu-img and cifs-tools 
  1. Boot the OPAL-RT simulator into your Live-Linux 
  2. Check if the hard disc got recognised:
    sudo fdisk -l
    Expected result:
  3. Mount the external hard disk/network storage in the live OS to the path using /mnt
    sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt [for external hard disc] 
    sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,username=gast,password=gast /// /mnt [for network distributions]
  4. Create a bit copy of the original hard disk:
    sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/OP5600.img status=progress
    This image is already qemu/kvm compatible at this point and can be mounted there as a harddisk
  5. Convert the created image to a VM compatible format
    sudo qemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk /mnt/OP5600.img /mnt/OP5600.vmdk
  6. Follow this KB to import the image into a Virtual Machine:
    As the hardware changed, a new license is required to use the VM as your target. Follow this KB to request a new license: