Support : Knowledge base

Knowledge Base

Welcome to OPAL-RT’s Knowledge Base

OPAL-RT offers a repository of support information for optimal use of its technology.


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Reference Number: AA-02067// Views: AA-02067// Created: 2022-02-15 20:13:57// Last Updated: 2022-02-15 21:41:36
Problem & Solution
Issue : MakeFile.Out all: Interrupted (code=2)


When a model is executed in HYPERSIM, you might face a similar issue message : 

If it's the case, you must modify the compiler as shown in the Solution to solve it. 


You must change the compiler C flag by opening the settings : 

Browse to the target tab in order to change the C flag : 

Modify the C flag to -O1 to reduce the optimization first. (Example with -O0 bellow)  

If reducing the compiler optimization process doesn't help, you can remove it by using -O0 instead as shown bellow : 

If setting -O0 with opicc doesn't work, the following KB article shows how to use another compiler (opgcc). 

If the solution doesn't work, please contact us at