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Reference Number: AA-02071// Views: AA-02071// Created: 2022-05-10 17:17:00// Last Updated: 2022-05-10 17:20:18
RT-LAB Error: Ode1be Solver Not Supported


With RT-LAB 2021, when trying to build a model with Backward Euler (ode1be) as the solver in Configuration settings, the following error occurs:

Message    : Error: The Solver is set to ode1be. You must specify a fixed step solver in order to run simulation with 

             RT-LAB. Open the 'Simulation/Configuration Parameters/Solver' dialog box and modify the solver type parameter. 



Ode1 Backward Euler (ode1be) is a new fixed-step solver introduced in MATLAB R2020a. 

However it is the only fixed-step solver not supported by RT-LAB 2021. To solve the problem, upgrade to RT-LAB 2022.1 or later.