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Reference Number: AA-02094// Views: AA-02094// Created: 2022-09-14 21:36:44// Last Updated: 2022-10-27 19:10:20
HYPERSIM : How to fetch signal groups remotely for Datalogger live or FPGA Scope

In order to be able to correctly fetch the signal groups you will need to correctly setup hyserver. Once done you won't need to repeat these steps as long as the target's used HySimCore configuration file has the option forceLocalhost=0.

Start the simulation

In the simout window at the bottom of the HYPERSIM window, find which HySimCore configuration file is used on the target.

Stop the simulation

Stop Hyserver on the target

Go on the target and run the following command:

service hy.server stop (if target is either CENTOS or REDHAT)

systemctl stop hy.server (if target is OPAL-RT Linux)

Modify the configuration file

Edit the HySimCore_config.opal file on the target in the location defined in the simout (In this cas: /tmp/HySimCore_config.opal)

Make sure forceLocalHost=0


Start HyServer on target

Go on the target and run the following command:

service hy.server start (if target is either CENTOS or REDHAT)

systemctl start hy.server (if target is OPAL-RT Linux)

The localhost mode should be disabled like so:

Note: On OPAL-RT Linux this information is only available when using the following command:

journalctl -u hy.server

Start the simulation

Fetch signals