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Reference Number: AA-02110// Views: AA-02110// Created: 2022-11-17 19:00:23// Last Updated: 2023-04-05 19:08:58
Problem & Solution
HYPERSIM : Load Flow issues with Renewable Energy, Converter, UCM or Simulink imported blocks


When using either Renewable Energy (PVGS, BESS and other Inverter-based generator models), Converter, UCM or Simulink imported blocks, there is an issue with the Load Flow / Power Flow.

As of HYPERSIM 2022.2, single phase and unbalanced Load Flow is not Supported. This is the main reason why the DERs are not accounted in the Load Flow solution.

Indeed, some blocks in the libraries below and custom blocks in general do not support the Load Flow algorithm. 

As of HS 2022.2, the Nominal Voltage parameter in most of the blocks mentioned above is locked:


Use the Load Flow Equivalent block at the bus where the unsupported block is connected.

As indicated in the OPAL-RT Wiki:

The load flow equivalent helps where components that are not supported by the load flow algorithm are used. For example, when importing a model from Simulink or developing a network type UCM that can have an impact on the power flow solution, the user can add a load flow equivalent next to it to input the values to be considered by the load flow algorithm to determine the steady-state solution of the network.

In the Load Flow block Equivalent block, you will need to know the total equivalent impedance of your DER(s) at the Bus. Once you the Load Flow is executed, it will initialize the currents in all the components of you network, then the simulation will be ready to run.