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Reference Number: AA-02180// Views: AA-02180// Created: 2023-05-16 20:18:12// Last Updated: 2024-03-14 16:51:14
How to Find Your IO Card Configuration

How to Find Your IO Card Configuration

One of our support team members may ask you for your target simulator's IO card configuration during the troubleshooting process. There are a few ways to find this information: through your System Description Document, through RT-LAB, and by logging onto the target simulator directly.

System Description Document

Your System Description Document will list all of the IO cards installed in your target simulator along with their part numbers within one of the first sections.

It is important to note that this may not be up to date because additional IO cards may have been purchased and installed after the initial system was delivered. To find the IO cards that are currently installed in the target simulator, refer to the next sections. Before trying either method, make sure no simulations are currently running on your target.


This method lets you view the IO cards that are currently installed in your target simulator. First, you will need to find the FPGA type and Board ID. This KB article will show you how to find this information: How to detect FPGA card using Get IO Info

You should see output similar to the following:

Depending on which target you have, you will see different results. You will need to keep note of the Board index as well as the card type. The most common card types are:





Once you have this information, follow the steps below:

  1. Open RT-Lab and right click on the target
  2. Go to Execute > Command
  3. Type in /usr/opalrt/common/bin/flash_update -hinfo [Card Type] [Board ID]
    For example, if you had a VC707 installed in your target with a Board ID of 0, the command would look like this: 
    /usr/opalrt/common/bin/flash_update -hinfo VC707 0
  4. Send us the output, which will look similar to this:


Although the RT-LAB method is the most ideal, we will sometimes ask you to log onto the target directly to find this information, especially if we are troubleshooting an issue with RT-Lab itself. First, you will need to download and install MobaXterm. This article will show you how: How To Install and Connect with MobaXterm

Once you have connected to the target via MobaXterm, run the same flash_update command that was used in the RT-Lab method. The output will look identical to the one you see in the RT-Lab method: