Support : Knowledge base

Knowledge Base

Welcome to OPAL-RT’s Knowledge Base

OPAL-RT offers a repository of support information for optimal use of its technology.


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Reference Number: AA-02017// Views: AA-02017// Created: 2021-05-19 11:36:15// Last Updated: 2021-05-19 13:21:19
How to manually flash FPGA bitstream file on CentOS Targets

In order to flash FPGA bitstream file in CentOS Target manually, please follow these steps:

  1. First, you will need to have MobaXterm tool installed on your Windows PC. Please follow this KB on How To Install and Connect with MobaXterm
  2. Connect to your Target using MobaXterm.
  3. Copy the Bitstream file (or drag and drop it) to any folder inside the target
  4. Execute this command line:   /export/local/ssr/hypersim-target_HYPERSIM_VERSION/linux-rhel6-64-opalrt/HyServer/bin/flashupdate -force /BITSTREAM_file_PATH/BITSTREAM_file_NAME.bin

  5.  After a couple of minutes (depending the bitstream size), you should read in the log Writing completed successfully