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Reference Number: AA-02289// Views: AA-02289// Created: 2024-03-19 16:44:26// Last Updated: 2024-04-11 22:02:47
HYPERSIM — The location of all HYPERSIM host and target logs


Alongside HYPERSIM (HS) there are a sub-suite of services and programs that run on the users host PC and OPAL-RT Simulator. These additional processes/programs need to be active and operate correctly for the complete functioning of HS. Thus, if one of these services stops or is interupted there will be an error that pops up in the HS UI. Just as the main HS program prints out log statements in the HypConsol, .ecf and .simout tabs; each sub-service has its own logs in its appropriate directory. To better diagnose users, support engineers will often ask for the logs for each sub-service. This article serves to instruct users on how to collect the logs.

HYPERSIM Versions 2024.1+

First and foremost, for those with HYPERSIM 2024.1, there is a helpful Diagnostic button that will collect all logs on both the target and host machine. Refer to the screenshot below:

  1. Go to the HYPERSIM tab within the Options ribbon
  2. Click the Diagnostic button
  3. A new window will pop up, within the dialogue box both the host machine and target logs can be selected for retrieval, and the location to save them.
  4. The Generate Report button will collect and archive all the logs.

HYPERSIM Versions 2023.X

The full list of services and their log locations are listed below. Note that to access the Target logs you must log into the simulator via SSH, consult the following article to login via MobaXterm: How To Install and Connect to a Simulator with MobaXterm, note that any shell client can be used. The following paths assume that HYPERSIM is installed on the C:\ drive.

Host Logs:

  • HyperWorks : C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\HYPERSIM\hyperworks_error_log.txt
  • HyWorks : HypConsole tab in the UI or C:\Users\[UserName]\HYPERSIM\log\hyworks.log
  • Hypersim : ecf tab in the UI or C:\Users\[UserName]\HYPERSIM\log\Circuits\[ModelName]_stringOfCharacters.log
  • Unicon : C:\Users\[UserName]\HYPERSIM\log\unicon.hypersim.[UniconVersion].text.log
  • AppServer : C:\OPAL-RT\OpalOne\services\appserver\logs\appserver.log
  • Maestro : C:\OPAL-RT\OpalOne\services\maestro\log\maestro.json.log
  • HyCore/HyServer : C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Temp\HYPERSIM\log. Sometimes C:\Windows\Temp\HYPERSIM\log
  • Simulation : simout tab in the UI or next to the simulation executable

Target Logs: 

  • HyCore/HyServer : /tmp/HYPERSIM/log?
  • Maestro : /opt/opalrt/maestro/log/maestro.json.log?
  • Simulation: target code directory, next to the executable?
  • dmesg       or     dmesg -c

HYPERSIM Versions <2022.X

Versions of HYPERSIM older than 2023.X will not have the same suite of sub-services. The paths for the logs will be the same, but some will not be there as they were added in latter versions of HYPERSIM.