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Reference Number: AA-01381// Views: AA-01381// Created: 2018-01-25 20:25:16// Last Updated: 2018-01-25 20:25:22
General Article
HYPERSIM: Checklist when configuring Bitstreams and IOs in HYPERSIM

Checklist when configuring Bitstreams and IOs in HYPERSIM

Here are some steps to follow when using Bitstreams and IOs in HYPERSIM,

1. Flash the bitstream: HYPERSIM doesn't automatically flash the bitstream on the target. Therefore, this step needs to be done manually. Here is a KB article that shows you how to do so. 

2. IO Files: Make sure that your IO file is properly configured. As shown in the bellow figure, everything in yellow has to match. The name of the FPGA board has to be identical everywhere. In this case, it's TE0741x3 for the OP4510. Similarly, if it's and ML605, the ML605 has to be present and match everywhere.

3.Simulation Server: Make sure that the Simulation Server Configuration file for HYPERSIM (hyServMain.cfg) file is pointing at the correct IO file. This is the same IO file as in step 2.

4.Restart the services: As root in MobaXterm, write the command "service hy.server start". This will make sure your modification made to the IO file and the hyServMain.cfg file takes effect.

5.Opal Boards Exchanger Configuration: Make sure the proper information is listed in the Opal Boards Exchanger Configuration. As shown below, everything in yellow need to be consistent with the related files. To find the proper board id of your FPGA, please refer to this KB

6.The naming of the files: The files has to respect some specific names and really recommend them to be in the same folder. Please refer to the below image for more info,

The files listed a,b,c,d, and e are very specific to their type of FPGA. Depending on the FPGA, the name in yellow might change.

Note: This KB article is for advanced users of HYPERSIM. If you have questions regarding these steps, please contact OPAL-RT Technical Support